Saturday, June 19, 2010

New Aids

I was fitted with my new hearing aids yesterday. Thus far, I am unimpressed :( Sound goes on for longer which might not make sense to someone who can hear normally. I forgot that sounds have depth and layers. For example, the kitchen timer went off this morning and the "bzzz" of the timer started with a low buzz and ended with a high buzz. I had only heard the low buzz before. I didn't realize there was a high bzzz when the timer went off. But I can't hear my husband or my children any more than I did before. Actually, I think I may even hear them a little less? Their voices seem lower to me, a little muted. I'm hoping it just means the programming in the aids need to change. Someone came to the door today handing out religious flyers and I couldn't hear her at all. So, I'm a little disappointed.

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