Monday, August 6, 2012

Folk Fest

Every summer, my home town has a World Folk Fest in which they invite countries from all over the world to perform traditional dances.  It's such a fun event.  I went this past week and noticed a huge contrast from last year.  Not from the performance but from my ability to hear sounds.  Music is not a strength for me yet.  I'll be working on that for awhile.  But the miracle of the night was that I actually enjoyed the music.  It didn't sound like noise.  It sounded pretty and truimphant.  And even more amazing was I heard the announcements over the loud speakers.  As the hosts introduced the dance companies, they explained the dances too.  I knew what to expect when the dancers came out.  Understanding  if it was a rain dance or a love dance or a harvest dance brought a whole new meaning to the symbolism of the dances.  It's difficult to describe how I feel about the glory of sound.  Suffice it to say that I feel like I'm the luckiest girl on earth!


Barb said...


Evan said...

That's SO COOL! And love that you are having all these new experiences and hearing things that you didn't before!