Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Mild Loss??

The greatest thing happened today. I was at an adoptive couples house doing a home study and they asked me when I started losing hearing. I told them that it's genetic and that I was four. They then said "you do very well, it must be just a mild loss?" What a compliment! They were shocked when I told them I was practically deaf. To communicate so well that people think my hearing loss is minimal is just amazing to me!


Brett and Collette Merrill said...

It certainly IS a compliment. To your skills and your sheer dedication. I felt you behaved as though you had a mild loss even before the cochlear implant because you were so good at picking up the other cues. But I do see an improvement, based on my limited experience speaking to you since the implant. I love hearing about your progress. Thanks for sharing!

Lucky to be the mom said...

Wahoo! Talk about blessed perspective just when you need it! They probably have no idea what a boost that must give you!
It's worth the journey :) I'm so glad it is.
Happy day!