Sunday, September 6, 2020


Time for an update!  I'm so encouraged when people reach out to me and tell me that this blog is helping them with their own hearing journey.  What a gift- to not only hear but to helps others at important touch points along their path.

Much has happened over the last couple of years.  We now live in Tennessee.  And what an adventure it has been!  We made the decision for me to pursue a doctorate degree and it required a move to make it happen.  School has changed in many ways over the last 20 years.  Technology has advanced education and increased opportunities.  Yet, hearing challenges remain.  The Student Disability Office is my friend and provides the accommodations I need to help me successfully complete a PhD program.  

I am loving my program and loving the bursts of knowledge I'm gaining.  COVID has been rough on my studies but I'm finding ways to work with it.  It has opened the door for an important study I am working on for the hearing loss community.  Soon, I'll share the details with y'all :)

My son recently was fit with a really cool set of hearing aids that are perfect for his type of loss.  Despite all the masking going on in his classroom, he is thriving and following along with his teachers.  I appreciate good technology and appreciate the journeys of all those who have gone before us that allow us the be the recipients of such wonderful technology.

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