Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sunday School

I get so used to not hearing in most situations that I forget I'm not hearing. That may not make any sense to anyone else! Today in Sunday School, this sweet sister in the Ward asked if I was hearing the comments from other students. I responded no and she insisted the teacher take the microphone to everyone who made a comment so that I could hear it. That was very thoughtful of her. Then the teacher broke the microphone, it was actually really funny how it happened. So then not only was the microphone unavailable for student's comments, but could not be used by the teacher anymore either. This sister patted my back and apologized. Really, it wasn't a big deal to me. I'm very used to sitting in classes and not hearing. I am a deep thinker, it's very easy to check out and get lost in my own thoughts. When she brought it to my attention that I was not hearing other people's comments in class, I remembered I wasn't hearing them. But up until then, I didn't think about not hearing. I just checked out and then checked back in again when I could hear. No biggie, I'm used to it. Some days I get more out of Church than other days. And that's okay.

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