Friday, February 24, 2012


You know how with some things in life you seem to take two steps forward and three steps back?  That's how I am feeling today!  I've backtracked with my rehab :(  Don't know if it's because I missed rehab yesterday (I am not able to get it in on Thursday which is my long work day) or if it's just the natural progression/digression of things.  But I am pretty much doing worse in all the categories (tones, vowels, consonants, environmental sounds and word recognition).  However, I am still doing okay in sentence recognition.  Patience.  Patience.  Patience.  Patience.  Patience.  Patience.  Maybe if I say it enough, mine will increase!  (Em, you are way nice, I have a long ways to go with patience!)



I'm sure it's the natural progression of things, like you said. Hang in there! I enjoy reading your experiences - so amazing to me. Excited to witness your progression the next time we see you all!

Lucky to be the mom said...

Patience - something I will always need more's just not my innate nature to be patient! I'm SO task oriented!

Having been through many courses of physical therapy due to injuries and surgeries I can tell you that two steps forward and three steps back is part of the process, very frustrating.

Keep your eye on the big picture :) You're doing great!