Monday, February 27, 2012

The Sound Booth

Today was my 4th mapping.  It's been almost two months since activation.  Anne (the Audi) wanted to put me in the sound booth and I immediately felt the panic rising.  I hate being tested.  Those awful feelings of incompetency accompany sound booth testing.  But I agreed to it.  Sigh.

I do this back and forth thing in my head.  I am hearing better!  Am I hearing better, cuz I'm just not sure?  Yay, I"m making progress.  Oh man, I can't understand a thing.  Back and forth.  Back and forth!  And the sound booth would give us the scientific data.  Is the implant helping?

Well guess what.  It is!  Proven results!  Remember, these tests are without ANY lipreading.  With just my hearing aid, I understood 1% of recorded sentences spoken at conversation level.  With just the CI, I understood almost 50% of recorded sentences.  With both the CI and hearing aid together, I understood almost 60% of recorded sentences.  Anne also tested me with her voice.  I got about 65% right with her voice. 

Those results are GREAT!!  Happy day for me!  Now......if I could do sentence recognition that well in noise....that would be incredible.  Long ways to go.  But look how far I have come!!

And I think the new map is a good one.  While driving on the freeway, I could hear my daughter behind me scribbling with a pencil on paper.  :)

1 comment:

Hayley said...

That is fantastic! I'm so happy for you and the progress youre making:)