Saturday, February 4, 2012

Back to Routine

Life has resumed.  Now that I am functioning again, I'm back to being busy.  Really busy.  I worry about getting my listening practice in now.  But I can't afford not to get it in.  It's tricky to keep it all in balance. 

I am now fully back at work and am super happy with how well I am doing in my sessions.  I went to a staff meeting this week and was pleasantly surprised at how much more I got out of it the first hour.  The second hour......that's a different story.  My head still hurts from it.  Hahaha.

Noisy environments are really hard on me.  I can only hear this obnoxious background noise.  At Walmart yesterday, a couple was talking to me about avocados.  I totally faked my way through that conversation.  Still have no idea what they were saying.  Hope they didn't ask me any questions! 

I love my 3rd Map!!


This Place is a Disaster! said...

You've always faked'll do fine when necessary!!!

Lucky to be the mom said...

I'll be honest. There have been many times that I've thought you, you of all people to lose your hearing when it's so critical to your work - not just with your clients but with your children, your husband, your household.
This makes me super happy!
Avocados...what can be so important about avocados when you're learning to hear?!?