Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Though this morning started out with some disheartening news, I'm feeling very much at peace.  As the day has progressed, I've learned more and more how big of an army I have behind me.  I feel so overwhelmed at the support I am getting.  Not only from my amazing family and friends but from the professionals.  Cochlear Americas has been absolutely incredible.  My implant team has gone above and beyond.  More and more organizations are getting involved in the fight.  My case just may pave the way for others in Utah to get an implant with my insurance.

The latest news is that the Dr who reviewed my cochlear implant request and denied it did not understand the audiology exams.  He mixed them up, thus the test scores affected my eligibility to be implanted.  My own Dr, the surgeon, figured this out and requested a peer to peer review.  It's a bit scary, in my opinion, that the Dr who had the power to approve or deny me didn't even understand how to read an audiology exam.  So my surgeon and a rep from insurance who has a similar degree, background and experience have set up a conference to discuss this.  My implant team is hopeful that the denial may be reversed.  Of course all of this takes time.  And since the clock is ticking, my army is working day and night.

While my doctor is working on this, Cochlear Americas may be calling in some pretty big powers to be.  Realistically, if my insurance doesn't get their act together, they are going down.  It may not be this month or next year, but they are going down.  They now have national multibillion dollar organizations who are ready to pounce them.

I can't even begin to explain how full of gratitude my heart is.  Not because I want anyone going down.  But because I am not alone in this battle anymore.  I still don't know if it's going to happen this month but my army is keeping my surgery date on December 20th.  They are determined to make it happen.

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