Tuesday, January 24, 2012


I taught a lesson on Sunday about celebrating our small steps of progress.  So I can't just leave off with my last post about discouragement!

Tonight, I had the greatest time cooking.  Remember how I was excited about how great ground beef sounds sizzling?  Well tonight, it stood out to me above the background noise, I didn't have to do any brain work for it to happen!  And I loved the sound of my knife slicing through the onion.  Slice, chop, slice, chop.  The chop is when the knife hit the cutting board.

There are so many things I am hearing SO well.  I just really have to make sure I stay in the moment and appreciate how far I have come, not worry about far I still need to go.  Hooray for celebrating.  Now I am going to go eat chocolate :)


let's grow old together said...

I like this post better than the last one ;) keep focusing on the good things. You and your brain are very strong and smart!

Aaron and Emily said...

what does eating chocolate sound like?...

Kristi said...

Your lesson was so amazing!! It was so applicable to everyone, and something I really needed to hear. Thanks so much!

Lucky to be the mom said...

Interesting - I know communication is the most important thing for you - but when you describe the sounds you hear, like the rain, the footsteps, the knife slicing....it makes me realize how rich my hearing is (yeah, sometimes too rich!) but what a blessing it is.

It makes me wonder if that's what it's like for my brother-in-law that is color blind; he doesn't know how many shades he's missing in this beautiful world God created for us!

Chocolate it is :) I miss you.