Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Rush Limbaugh's Description

Did you know that Rush Limbaugh has a cochlear implant?  Pretty crazy considering he's a radio talk show host.  This is his perspective on hearing through an implant:


Barb said...

That doesn't sound like his implant is doing much for him... What is your take on it?

Kristel said...

I think he painted a realistic picture of how the implant is for a lot of people. However, I don't think he gave much credit to his implant for allowing him to hear 95% of people over the airwaves!!! That in and of itself is a miracle. But instead of talking about what it did do, he talked about what it doesn't do. And he has the AB device. Wonder if that makes a big difference?

Etts a Beautiful Life said...

Oh, Kristel, I hope that reading that didn't get you down about the music thing. Although, it was pretty hilarious that someone said he wasn't missing anything because there are no melodies in music today. I'm sure every case is different, although, it was interesting what he said about experiencing hearing loss in an age of technology versus in the past. good luck today!!!